Ashazi's Portfolio


On this site you will find out more about me (Ashazi), some of the projects I have worked on personally, and within my internship. I will have some downloadable projects, github links, and code snippets from thing I built and thought were pretty cool. Without further ado lets scroll down and read about some of my past and current in computer science.

Download my resume here as a PDF.

About Me


When I was about 14, I was really into the video game 'Minecraft' then, and one day while playing with a friend he showed me a modification someone created to break blocks in the game extremely fast with one a single click (more like a hack but the idea is still really cool). After this, I instantly went onto the internet and started searching how to create 'Minecraft Mods'. I noticed it required me to learn Java programming or at least I needed it to accomplish what I wanted in the game. Luckily at the time, YouTube was popular and there were so many resources I could look at to learn Java. I also used the oracle java docs tutorial quite a bit too.


A MERN (MongoDB, Express, React, NodeJS) stack application that mimics twitter's ability to share post across all its user....I created this application to learn new concepts and practices within fullstack development. Currently it has the ability to allow users to register, login, and create posts. I am working on a new screen to allow the user to see their own profile, messages, and make changes to them.


This project is an android app I build for a client, that allows employees to login record their time and location while working, then save & upload the projects they worked on along with the time spent on each.... It also uploads the pauses and resumes which act as breaks. This is all stored in an sql database, in which the data can be viewed by using the desktop application I built for this in Java. The Desktop application can also do things such as create/delete user accounts & project categories. To make viewing data easier it prints out excel sheets in different formats which organize the data in way that is easier to see and manage.

Attendance Overview : Android

For my programming concepts class in school, my team and I created this app, along with a desktop application that allows attendance to be taken by place your android device near an NFC Reader.... The application sends a command to the NFC reader which we process with our desktop application to get the Unique Identifier for that phone/student. The desktop app also connects to the database asking for the name and student id that owns the Unique Identifier.

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